Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Studio Protocol And Practice

There are many health and safety issues within the TV studio which must be highlighted to ensure practice in the studio is able to function properly.

Firstly no food or drink should be allowed in the studio if a drink spills it may damage some of the equipment and food may lead to the studio becoming messy, another factor would be running no one should ever run in a studio there are cables all over the places anyone could trip and injure themselves or break valuable equiptment.
Also the talk backs are to be used only for their function they aren't toys and should only be used to contact others when it is completely necessary, also when not in use they should be switched off.
Cameras are yet another vital part of the studio and recording process they should never be pointed at lights as this can damage the silicone chip inside possibly breaking the camera, they should also always be locked if they are not it could damage the ped or lead to a cam tilting up to a light.

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